Our guide will list some of the best starter decks in Marvel Snap, which can compete in the ranked mode with other more advanced lists.

Spectrum Midrange Deck

Ant-Man. Korg. Yondu. Colossus. Armor. The Punisher. Cosmo. Captain America. Kazar. Iron-Man. Klaw. Spectrum.

This deck is a solid buff midrange deck that can quickly build up a ton of power with the help of Spectrum, which adds +2 Power to all other cards.

There is also a solid protection represented by the Armor card, which prevents all cards on the same location as Armor being destroyed. This can be well used for protecting Kazar, who buffs all your 1-drops, and Spectrum later in the match-up.

Another important card to note is Cosmo, which prevents your opponents from playing On-Reveal cards at the same location as Cosmo.

Dinosaur Aggro Deck

Squirrel Girl. Ant-Man. Nova. Angela. Carnage. Cable. Sentinel. Bishop. Deathlok. Moon Girl. Iron-Man. Devil Dinosaur.

If you want your games to go a bit quicker, then aggressive approach is the best!

This deck relies on strong cheap cards that can be played early on, and then, once your hand is full again, you can use Moon Girl to duplicate all your cards and show your opponent that you still got some jam.

After duplicating your cards, play Devil Dinosaur, and all your cards in hand will have +2 Power, making things even worse for your opponent.

Namor Combo Deck

Elektra. Ant-Man. Nightcrawler. Mantis. Angela. Cable. Sentinel. Mister Fantastic. Namor. Iron-Man. Devil Dinosaur. Klaw.

If you like decks that require a certain strategy, then this Namor combo list can be a lot of fun.

Namor is a card that wins games through sheer power while being the only card on a chosen location. That’s why it’s essential to buff it as much as possible, as well as protect it, before the match-up is over.

The most important card in the deck besides Namor is Klaw, which, if placed correctly, can give Namor +6 Power. But other cards like Mister Fantastic and Devil Dinosaur also play a huge role in this winning combo.

America Aggro Deck

Elektra. Ant-Man. Rocket Raccoon. Nightcrawler. Angela. Medusa. Sentinel. The Punisher. Mister Fantastic. Kazar. Iron-Man. America Chavez.

This aggro deck has all the makings of a fast aggressive list, but with one important addition, which is America Chavez.

America is a late game card with lots of power, which is included in this straightforward deck to surprise your opponents. Usually, aggro decks quickly become empty-handed, and most of their creatures are small and cheap.

But after an assault of smaller creatures, playing America Chavez will be totally unexpected, adding +9 extra power to the board.

Nova Combo Deck

Elektra. Ant-Man. Nova. Nightcrawler. Angel. Blade. Scarlet Witch. Wolfsbane. Mister Fantastic. Deathlok. Strong Guy. Kazar.

There are several combos included in this deck, but the central one is Nova/Deathlok, where you destroy Nova with Deathlok and thus buff all your other cards in play.

At the same time, Angel can fly out of your deck and replace Nova. If you’re out of cards in your hand, then Strong Guy will have +6 Power.

Overall, cards in this deck synergize in one way or another, so you never stay out of the loop.

Squirrel Swarm Deck

Squirrel Girl. Ant-Man. Nightcrawler. Mantis. Sentinel. Ironheart. Wolfsbane. Captain America. Kazar. Iron-Man. Blue Marvel. Gamora.

A swarm deck is the type of deck when one or more cards flood the board with tokens. In this case, after playing Squirrel Girl, your opponents will have to deal with squirrel tokens that occupy all vacant locations.

Your other cards are designed to buff those tokens and thus quickly swarm the board with cheap yet powerful creatures.

Another fun card that needs to be mentioned here is Mantis, which draws cards from your opponent’s deck.

Those are the best started decks in Marvel Snap, and stay tuned for more.